Against the Tide: The Fate of the New England Fisherman

against the tide

Against the Tide: The Fate of the New England Fisherman

The world of the independent fisherman is perilous, a battle of calculated risk and self-reliance -- and of freedom won daily through backbreaking work. It is a way of life woven into the American fabric.

With its spectacular beaches and charming towns, Cape Cod is world-renowned as a summer retreat for the wealthy. But there is another Cape Cod, a hidden, hardscrabble, year-round world whose hunter-gatherer economy dates back to the Bay Colony.

Richard Adams Carey spent a year among men who stubbornly refuse to relent. Carey outlines his troubled concern with the numbers of family fishermen who have been forced to abandon the profession.

Against the Tide is a profile of New England fishermen: maritime history, ecology, and the celebration of a special part of American.

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Against the Tide: The Fate of the New England Fisherman
